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Cadmium powder, Trace Metal, 99.99%, 1x100 Gram

CAS# 7440-43-9

Grade: Trace Metal

SKU: ChemD-95-139460-100G-1x100-Gram-7440-43-9

Product Overview

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Cadmium powder, with a particle size of -325 mesh and 99.99% trace metals basis, is a highly pure form of cadmium metal that finds applications in the electronics industry and as a catalyst in chemical reactions. It should be handled with caution, as it is toxic if ingested or inhaled. The product should be stored in a cool, dry place away from heat sources and incompatible materials to avoid any reaction or fire hazards. Proper personal protective equipment such as gloves and masks should be worn when handling this material. The product's performance data indicates high purity levels with minimal impurities, making it suitable for use in sensitive applications.
1x100 Gram
Container Type
Plastic Bottle
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SDS Document
8.642 (NTP, 1992)
Appearance & Physical State
Melting Point
609.6 °F (NTP, 1992)
Boiling Point
765 °C (1409 °F)
Freezing Point
609.6 °F (NTP, 1992)
Molecular Weight
112.41 g/mol
Flash Point
pH value

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  • Industrial Chemicals
  • Metals
  • Metal Pre-Treatment
Country of Manufacture
Refractive Index
Index of Refraction: 1.8 at 578 nm and 20 °C/D
Exact/Molecular Mass
113.903365 g/mol
Molar mass
Water Content
Acid Content
Cloud Point
Specific heat of liquid
Thermo Stability
Oxygen Stability
Water Stability
Vapor Pressure
Assay (Gas chromatography)
Molecular formula
Insoluble (NIOSH, 2022)
Max Handling Temp
Recommended Dosage

Buy Cadmium powder, Trace Metal, 99.99%, 1x100 Gram for Sale Online

Cadmium powder, Trace Metal, 99.99%, 1x100 Gram is for sale online through a direct partnership between ChemDirect and Beantown Chemical Corporation. Beantown Chemical Corporation currently sells over 16954 chemicals. Cadmium powder, Trace Metal, 99.99%, 1x100 Gram is also referred to as cadmium compounds, kadmium, colloidal cadmium, cadmium\\, elemental, kadmium [german], unii-00bh33gngh, ccris 112, hsdb 282, cd, einecs 231-152-8 and mfcd00010914.

This chemical is sold in 1x25 Centimeter, 1x1 Meter, 1x50 Gram, 1x250 Gram, 1x1 Kilogram, 1x1 Piece, 1x5 Piece, 1x25 Gram, 1x100 Gram, 1x500 Gram, 50x50 Millimeter, 100x100 Millimeter, and 1x5 Gram quantities.

Cadmium powder, Trace Metal, 99.99%, 1x100 Gram has the molecular formula Cd, and its chemical weight is 112.41 g/mol. The CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Registry Number is 7440-43-9. The product grade is Trace Metal, and the percent purity is 99.99%.

About the Supplier

Beantown Chemical Corporation Beantown Chemical offers over 7,000 products for research and development via a comprehensive catalog of organics, inorganics, solvents and metals.
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