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Chromanex MAX C18 SPE Cartridges, 500mg/6mL

Product Type: C18 SPE Cartridges

SKU: ChemD-5371-50106-1x30-Each-Non-Chemical

Product Overview

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Chromanex MAX C18 SPE cartridges are designed for solid-phase extraction of organic compounds from various sample matrices such as biological fluids, environmental samples, and food products. The cartridges have a sorbent bed of 500mg/6mL C18 particles with excellent retention properties for nonpolar or moderately polar analytes. These cartridges offer high recoveries and reproducibility in chromatographic analysis techniques such as HPLC and GC. Safety precautions must be taken when handling these cartridges since the sorbent material is flammable and may cause skin or eye irritation if not handled properly. It is recommended to store the cartridges in a dry place at room temperature away from sources of heat or ignition.
1x30 Each
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